Rotary Club of Coimbatore West, began its journey in the year 1966. Ours was the second club in Coimbatore, sponsored by Rotary Club of Coimbatore, after 23 years of Rotary's presence in Coimbatore.
Rtn. Dr. T. V. Sivanandham and Rtn. N. Santhanam decorated the Chair of Charter President and Charter Secretary with 34 Charter Members during the Governorship of Rtn. J. Nilgiria. They continued their service as President and Secretary till 1968. Every member of the club had lived up to the Ideals of Rotary Movement and carried out their service to the society thro various well executed projects.
Date : 20-09-2022
Ann Sarala and Rtn Ninan Varghese distributed sweets, milk and biscuits to the pregnant women at Vellakinar PHC
Date: 19-09-2022
We had an Annadanam at CHESHIRE homes which was sponsered by our Rtn SHANTHOSH PATWARI and team
This is a ongoing monthly project.
The event was held at Primary Health Centre at Vellakinar. Rtn Viswanathan donated blood pressure monitor and gluco meter to the Vellakinar Primary Health Centre costing about Rs.22,000/-. President and Secretary also distributed Milk and Biscuits to the patients & attenders.